Networking behind container: network namespaces

Containers and Network Namespaces

February 21, 2023 · 5 min · 1011 words · Ettore Ciarcia

How to deploy your own website on AWS with Terraform and Git Hub Actions!

In this article we will build the infrastructure that our site needs by managing site releases with CI/CD pipelines

January 6, 2023 · 9 min · 1769 words · Ettore Ciarcia

Retrospective on 2022 and Resolution for 2023

Here we go, again. Here I am making a list of good resolutions for 2023. Wait, let’s take a step back. First let’s try to do a retrospective of my 2022 and the goals I set for myself. Wait wait, let’s take another step back, let’s go back to the situation I was in when I set those goals. A year ago I was about to finish my studies at the cyberhackdemy, a cybersecurity academy I was selected for in May 2021....

December 27, 2022 · 4 min · 792 words · Ettore Ciarcia