Managing dot files with Chezmoi

How to manage and back up your dot files with Chezmoi

May 19, 2024 · 4 min · 787 words · Ettore Ciarcia

The native integration between Alert Manager and Microsoft Teams

Prom2Teams is dead. Long live Prom2Teams. Native integration between Alert Manager and Microsoft Teams.

April 26, 2024 · 5 min · 994 words · Ettore Ciarcia

How to expose your website with Docker and Traefik

We self-host our website in a homelab using Traefik, enabling HTTPS, and exposing our website on the Internet.!

March 24, 2024 · 6 min · 1277 words · Ettore Ciarcia

Homelabbers Assemble: Proxmox and Terraform!

IaC in your Homelab with Proxmox & Terraform!

February 1, 2024 · 13 min · 2721 words · Ettore Ciarcia

How to have a DDNS if your router doesn't support it

Your public IP address changes, and you need a way to fix it, but your router doesn’t support DDNS? No problem!

January 6, 2024 · 5 min · 956 words · Ettore Ciarcia